Delta Zeta

Delta Zeta


Delta Zeta is not four years, but for life. As you enter college, you start to search for your place in the world and meet people who will be your friends for life. By joining Delta Zeta, you will be apart of something that defies words, but you have to experience it for yourself! Since the Gamma Xi chapter of Delta Zeta was founded on April 29th 1950 at New Mexico State University, we have continued to be leading members of the Greek community on campus. Delta Zeta has active members participating in many organizations throughout campus which allow our members to thrive even more. Our chapter has surpassed all expectations by producing campus leaders, outstanding scholars, dedicated community members, and a strong sisterhood. "May I give graciously of what is mine," is part of the Delta Zeta creed that we strive to live by. Our chapter strongly supports our national philanthropies, the Las Cruces community, and other organizations on the New Mexico State Campus. Each semester we hold events like; Hot Dogs for Hearing, and Mr. NMSU to raise money in support of our national philanthropies, which are Speech and Hearing and The Painted Turtle Camp. Delta Zeta is always willing to lend a helping hand, even when our hands are full. At events like these, as well as many sisterhoods and socials we have, we are able to grow closer to each other and form a stronger sisterhood within our chapter. The Gamma Xi chapter of Delta Zeta embraces its members and guides each girl through the best college experience possible!  XOXODee Zee

Contact Information

1600 E University Ave
Las Cruces, NM 88003
United States
Contact Email E:
This organization has no officers.